Meet the Team

Shiva Kumar Kyasa
Department Chair - Professor of Chemistry
Shiva Kumar Kyasa
Department Chair - Professor of Chemistry
Natural Sciences
- Ph.D. 2015; University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA.
- M.Sc. 2001, Osmania University-India
- B.Sc. 1998 Osmania University-India
Courses Currently Taught
- CHEM-460: Biochemistry
- CHEM-351: Organic chemistry I
- CHEM-352: Organic chemistry II
- CHEM-353: Organic chemistry laboratory-I
- CHEM-354: Organic chemistry laboratory-II
- CHEM-308: Inorganic chemistry
- CHEM-1215: General chemistry-I
- CHEM-1225: General chemistry-II
- CHEM-1215L: General chemistry-I laboratory
- CHEM-1120: Introduction to Chemistry |
- CHEM 1120L: Introduction to chemistry laboratory.
- Selected Publications
- 15) Arnold, N.A, Kyasa, S.K.*. Electronic Half-Cell Module to Demonstrate Electrochemical Series and Citrus Fruit Battery for Remote Students. J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100, 3739-3743
- 14). Kyasa, S.K.* and Dussault, P.H.; 3-Phenylpropyl (tetrahydropyran-2-yl) peroxide. EROS (Encyclopedia of Reagents in Organic Synthesis) 2020, J. Bode, ed. Wiley.
- 13) Kyasa, S.K.* Investigating Terpenoid Constituents in Commercial Essential Oils to Learn and Practice GC-MS and Literature Research Skills. J. Chem. Educ. 2020, 97, 1966 – 1969.
- 12) S.K. Kyasa, * Fluoroform (CHF3). Synlett, 2015, 26, 1911-1912
Contact Information
Email: kyasas@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-6641
Location: Harlan Hall 203

Kathleen Whiteman
Professor, Director
Kathleen Whiteman
Professor, Director
Natural Sciences
- Ph.D. Biology, Plant Ecology. New Mexico State University.
- M.S. Biology, Plant Ecology. New Mexico State University.
- B.S. Botany. Western New Mexico University.
- B.F.A. Ceramic Art. Edinboro University of Pennsylvania.
- Life science
- ecology
- geographic information systems science
- parks
- recreation and tourism
- natural resource management
Courses Currently Taught
- BIOL 481 Senior Practicum
- GISS 363/563 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, Lab
- OLST 300 Outdoor Leadership
- OLST/FORS 380 Outdoor Recreation Management in New Mexico
- BIOL/GISS 485 Directed Studies
Dr. Whiteman settled in New Mexico more than 30 years ago and holds an undergraduate degree in fine arts and a doctorate degree in biology. She is the founding director of Western New Mexico University’s Outdoor Program and is broadly interested in the intersectionality of outdoor recreation, equity, biodiversity, climate change, and regenerative development. Kathy aims to foster community resiliency in part by cultivating next generation engagement in applied, inquiry-based and experiential opportunities that connect higher education programs to the state's diverse outdoor economies.
Contact Information
Email: whitemank@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-6253
Location: Harlan Hall 122

Zenaido Tres Camacho
Zenaido Tres Camacho
Natural Sciences
- Professor, 2005, Western New Mexico University
- NIH Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2002, Duke University Medical Center
- PhD, 2002, Texas A&M University
Courses Currently Taught
- BIOL 2110/2110L Principles of Biology: Cell and Molecular Biology
- BIOL 366/388 Genetics and Lab
- BIOL 371/373 Microbiology and Lab
- BIOL 360/362 Cell Biology and Lab
- BIOL 460 and BIOL 560 Cell Physiology
- BIOL 465/467 and BIOL 545/567 Molecular Genetics
- BIOL 474 and BIOL 575 Virology
- BIOL 476/478 and BIOL 576/578 Immunology
- BIOL 486 Senior Project
Cell and Molecular Biology Program
Western Mew Mexico University
Contact Information
Email: camachoz@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-6251
Location: Harlan Hall 221

Eric Casler
Assistant Professor / Biology Lab Director
Eric Casler
Assistant Professor / Biology Lab Director
Natural Sciences
- Doctoral Studies (incomplete): Conservation Biology. University of Minnestoa, Twin Cities. (2010)
- Master of Science: Conservation Biology. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities(2005)
- Bachelor of Science: Biology. University of California, Santa Cruz (1996),
Courses Currently Taught
- BIOL 104: Diversity of Life – Lab
- BIOL 203: Majors I – Plant Form, Function and Diversity – Lab
- BIOL 205: Majors II – Animal Form, Function and Diversity – Lab
- BIOL 256: Anatomy & Physiology I – Lab
Contact Information
Email: eric.casler@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-6642
Location: Harlan Hall 112

Paula Gentry
Associate Professor of Biology
Paula Gentry
Associate Professor of Biology
Natural Sciences
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia MO (1997)
- Master of Science, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces NM (1991)
- Bachelor of Science, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces NM (1989)
Courses Currently Taught
- BIOL 101/103 Human Biology
- BIOL 102/104 Diversity of Life
- CHEM 121/123 Chemistry for Life
- BIOL 254/256 Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIOL 254/256 Anatomy & Physiology II
- BIOL 371 Microbiology for Nursing
Contact Information
Email: paula.gentry@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-4110
Location: WNMU Deming 162

Lynn Haugen
Lynn Haugen
Natural Sciences
- Ph.D., Department of Zoology, University of Oklahoma Dissertation title: Privation and Uncertainty in the Small Nursery of Laughing Frog (Osteocephalus planiceps) Tadpoles: Larval Ecology Shapes the Parental Mating System.
- M.S. Biology, California State University, Northridge Thesis: Background Color Selection and Color Change in the Hylid Frog, Pseudacris regilla.
- B.A. Biology, Environmental Option, California State University, Northridge
- Behavioral Ecology
- Tropical Ecology
- Vertebrate Biology
- Herpetology
- General Biology
Courses Currently Taught
Animal Form, Function, and Diversity (AFFD), Vertebrate Zoology, Behavioral Ecology, Biogeography, and Biology for Health Sciences
Dr. Haugen’s research interests include the behavior, ecology, and evolution of vertebrates with an emphasis on parental care and mating systems of neotropical anurans.
Contact Information
Email: lynn.haugen@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-6202
Location: Harlan Hall 143

Randy Jennings
Professor Emeritus, Biology
Randy Jennings
Professor Emeritus, Biology
Natural Sciences
Contact Information
Email: Randy.Jennings@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-6519
Location: Harlan Hall 137

Manda Clair Jost
Professor of Biology
Manda Clair Jost
Professor of Biology
Natural Sciences
- Ph.D. 2002 Harvard University, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
- M.A. 1998 Harvard University, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
- B.S. 1995, Zoology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
- B.A. 1995, Anthropology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Courses Currently Taught
- Biology 415/417: Ichthyology, with Lab
- Biology 451/453: Mammalogy, with Lab
- Biology 457/459: Entomology, with Lab
- Biology 462/464: Comparative Chordate Anatomy, with Lab
- Biology 422: Evolution
- Biology 428/430: Marine Ecology (field course)
- Biology 483: Intro to Senior Project
- Biology 486: Senior Project
- Biology 484: Molecular Techniques in Biology, with Lab (occasional course)
- Biology 310/312: Invertebrate Zoology, with Lab
- Biology 365/367: Primatology and Human Evolution, with Lab
- Biology 1110: Biology for General Education
- ALAS 1830: Applied Liberal Arts and Sciences, STEM
Dr. Manda Clair Jost, WNMU Professor of Biology (tenured), is currently in her 17th year at WNMU and teaches a number of courses in the Life Sciences curriculum, most of which focus on biological diversity, evolution, and ecology of animals. Born in Houston Texas, Dr. Jost is a dual citizen of the United States (by birth) and Chile (by heritage), and is bilingual as a native speaker of English with advanced competency in Spanish.
After completing her secondary schooling in New Mexico and in Germany, Dr. Jost completed a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, with minors in both Linguistics and Documentary Film. She then completed both her Mastersʼ and Ph.D. degrees at Harvard University (Cambridge, MA) in the department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, with a dissertation focused on the evolution of acoustic communication in insects. During graduate school she conducted international field studies in Brazil, Madagascar, Ecuador, Colombia, South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia, and developed strong interests in the biological diversity, human cultural diversity, and languages of these places. It was also during this time that Dr. Jost first began teaching evolution and the history of science, as one of several teaching assistants for influential evolutionary biologists including Michael Donoghue, Kerry Shaw, and the late Stephen Jay Gould.
After competing her Ph.D., Dr. Jost then spent 6 years as a postdoctoral researcher and university lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin studying molecular evolution in teleost fishes, before coming to WNMU in 2008. In addition to her research interests in the molecular evolution of novel adaptations in animals, the teaching of biodiversity and evolution became Dr. Jostʼs core professional focus. She has led or been on the instructional staff of a number of evolution-themed workshops at Harvard University, the University of Texas at Austin, and international meetings of the Evolution society, funded by the National Science Foundation. In 2011 she was awarded as a Fulbright Scholar to spend a semester in North India, where she gave workshops and invited seminars on applied evolution and phylogenetics at more than ten different universities and institutions.
At WNMU in addition to teaching courses in Evolution, Zoology, General Biology, Marine Ecology, and Physical Anthropology, she frequently leads educational student field trips both locally and to Mexico; and was awarded a second Fulbright for 2018 to conduct research and teach evolution and zoology in Chile. During recent years she has been developing a college-level textbook on Evolution; has served on a number of panels for Fulbright and the National Science Foundation reviewing grant proposals; and has taken a keen interest in the biodiversity and ecology of the Sea of Cortez / Gulf of California along the western coast of Mexico. She has also engaged in more recent exploratory research on the ancient Mimbres culture of southern New Mexico, through NAGPRA-compliance contract work for the WNMU museum, and research experiences with students enrolled in her course in Biological Anthropology.
For WNMUʼs ALAS program, Dr. Jost is the primary representative of Natural Sciences, and is responsible for preparing content related to the history of science, biology, the diversity of life, evolution (including human evolution), ecology, environmental sustainability, and additional topics to include the development of language and certain ancient human cultures. She has been the recipient of the annual WNMU faculty research award and the annual WNMU faculty teaching award, and funds a scholarship for outstanding zoology students through the WNMU foundation.
Contact Information
Email: Manda.Jost@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-6550
Location: Harlan Hall 109/110

Caleb Loughran
Assistant Professor, Biology
Caleb Loughran
Assistant Professor, Biology
Natural Sciences
- Ph.D., Biology, 2022, University of New Mexico
- M.S., Biology, 2014, Central Washington University
- B.S., Biology, 2009, Northern Arizona University
Courses Currently Taught
- Environmental Physiology
- Advanced Ecology
- Ichthyology
- Herpetology
- Principles of Wildlife
- Ecology
- Ecology & Evolution
- General Biology for Nonmajors (online)
Contact Information
Email: Caleb.Loughran@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-6269
Location: Harlan Hall 130

Corrie Neighbors
Professor, Earth Sciences & Geographic Information Systems Science (GISS)
Corrie Neighbors
Professor, Earth Sciences & Geographic Information Systems Science (GISS)
Natural Sciences
University of California, Riverside (Ph.D.)
Riverside, CA (2008 – 2015)
Earth Sciences, Geophysics
Advisors: Drs. Gareth Funning & Elizabeth Cochran
Florida State University (M.S.)
Tallahassee, FL (2006 - 2008)
Geological Sciences, Geophysics
Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Georgen
University of South Carolina (B.S.)
Columbia, SC (2005 – 2006)
Graduated with honors
Colorado School of Mines (no degree)
Golden, CO (2002 – 2004)
- Geology/Earth Sciences
- Geographic Information Systems Science
Courses Currently Taught
- GEOL 1110/L Physical Geology
- GEOL 1120/L Environmental Geology
- GEOL 2130/L Intro to Meteorology
- GISS 361/363 and 561/563 Intro to Geographic Information Systems
- Schramski, S., Neighbors, C., Wood, N. ⌘, Reyes, F., (2021) Sociospatial Analysis of Food Pantry Access and Location in a Southwestern Frontier Community, Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 1-22, DOI: 10.1080/19320248.2021.1976343 (⌘WNMU undergraduate student mentee)
- Sumy, D.F.*, Neighbors, C.*, Cochran, E.S., Keranen, K.M., (2017) Low stress drops observed for M2-4.8 earthquakes during the 2011 M5.6 Prague, Oklahoma sequence, Journal of Geophysical Research, 122, 3813–3834, DOI:10.1002/2016JB013153. ( * joint first authorship)
- Neighbors, C., Cochran, E.S., Ryan, K.J., Kaiser, A.E., (2017) Solving for Source Parameters Using Nested Array Data: A Case Study from the Canterbury, New Zealand Earthquake Sequence, Pure and Applied Geophysics. 174: 875. DOI:10.1007/s00024-016-1445-2
- Neighbors, C., Liao, E.J. ⌘, Cochran, E.S., Funning, G.J., Chung, A.I., Lawrence, J.F., Christensen, C., J.F., Belmonte, A. Miller, M., Sepulveda, H.H., (2015), Investigation of the High-frequency Attenuation Parameter, (kappa), From Aftershocks of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 200(1), p. 200-215. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggu390. (⌘UCR undergraduate student mentee)
- Neighbors, C.J., Cochran, E.S., Caras, Y., Noriega, G. (2013), Sensitivity analysis of FEMA HAZUS Earthquake Model using seismic events affecting King County Washington,"" Natural Hazards Review, vol. 14, p. 134-146. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000089.
- Liao, E.J. ⌘, Neighbors¬, C., Cochran, E.S., Chung, A.I., Lawrence, J.F., Belmonte, A. Miller, M., Sepulveda, H.H., Christensen, C., (2013), “Estimation of κ in Concepción, Chile Following the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule Earthquake Using Low Cost MEMs Sensors,” UC Riverside University Honors Program. (⌘UCR undergraduate student mentee)
- Chung, A.I., Neighbors, C., Belmonte, A., Miller, M., Sepulveda, H.H., Christensen, C., Jakka, R.S., Cochran, E.S., Lawrence, J.F., (2011), The Quake-Catcher Network Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Project Following the 2010 M8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake, Seismological Research Letters, vol 82, no. 4, 526-532. DOI: 10.1785/gssrl.82.4.526
Contact Information
Email: corrie.neighbors@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-6352
Location: Harlan Hall 120A

William R. Norris
William R. Norris
Natural Sciences
- 1981 B.S. Mathematics (Lake Superior State College)
- 1981 B.S. Biological Sciences (Lake Superior State College)
- 1995 M.S. Ecology and Evolutionary Ecology (Iowa State University)
- 1999 Ph.D. Ecology and Evolutionary Ecology (Iowa State University)
Biological Sciences: Ecology, Botany, Fungi, Algae, Ornithology, Biostatistics
Courses Currently Taught
- BIOL 2642 Plant Form, Function and Diversity
- BIOL 301/303 Ecology
- BIOL 322/324 Dendrology
- BIOL 331/333 Biology of Algae
- BIOL 332/334 Evolution and Diversity of Plants
- BIOL 335/337 Biology of Fungi
- BIOL 410/412 Plant Physiology
- BIOL 425/427 Range Vegetation
- BIOL 442/443 Ornithology
- BIOL 483 Intro to Senior Project (co-taught with Dr. Manda Jost)
- BIOL 585 Directed Study
I have been a member of the WNMU Natural Sciences Department since 2001 (23 years), and am currently the senior faculty member of that academic division. I was the Assistant Department Chair for five years (2019 - 2023) overlapping the Covid pandemic and a major remodel of Harlan Hall, and being the designated person to deal with all personnel issues in our department. I have taught 24 different courses during my 23 years in the department, and in the past five years have served as advisor of ca. 70 students. In my "spare time" conduct botanical research in Iowa and New Mexico (co-authoring peer-reviewed papers and several invited book chapters) and chaired committees that have organized eight Southwest Regional Science Olympiad competitions (2008-2016), ten biennial Natural History of the Gila Symposium (2004-2024) and the annual WNMU Academic and Research Symposium and Career Fair (2005-present).
Contact Information
Email: norrisw@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-6625
Location: Harlan Hall 142

James Sanders
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
James Sanders
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Natural Sciences
- Postdoctoral Research, 2022-2024, University of Arizona
- Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry, 2015-2022, The University of Texas at Austin
- B.S. Chemistry, 2010-2015, Western New Mexico University
Courses Currently Taught
- CHEM 2307 Analytical Chemistry; CHEM 401 Physical Chemistry; PHYS 1230 Physics I
I am an analytical chemist who likes to build and modify analytical instruments. I work with mass spectrometers and ion mobility spectrometers to characterize biological molecules such as proteins and lipids. I also have an interest in environmental chemistry and analysis, particularly soil and water chemistry.
Contact Information
Email: James.Sanders@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-6447
Location: Harlan Hall 210 (inside 208)

Will Tracy
Outdoor Program Manager
Will Tracy
Outdoor Program Manager
Natural Sciences
Contact Information
Email: William.Tracy@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-6575
Location: Bowden Hall 311

Zully Villanueva-Gonzalez
Assistant Professor, Biology
Zully Villanueva-Gonzalez
Assistant Professor, Biology
Natural Sciences
Courses Currently Taught
- BIOL 2210/BIOL 2210L: Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lecture and Lab
- BIOL 354/BIOL 356: Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lecture and Lab
- BIOL 2225/BIOL 2225L: Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lecture and Lab
- BIOL 355/BIOL 357: Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lecture and Lab
- BIOL 371/BIOL 373 Microbiology for Health Majors Lecture and Lab
- BIOL 471/BIOL 473 Microbiology for Science Majors Lecture and Lab
Contact Information
Email: Zully.VillanuevaGonzalez@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-6297
Location: Harlan Hall 124

Denise Marie Weide
Assistant Professor, Geology
Denise Marie Weide
Assistant Professor, Geology
Natural Sciences
- Ph.D., Earth & Atmospheric Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Courses Currently Taught
- GEOL 1120 Environmental Geology
I am a paleontologist focusing on aquatic ecosystems in deep time. I use fossil algae and lake sediment chemistry to reconstruct past environments and climates in order to better understand how aquatic ecosystems respond to rapid climate/environmental change.
Lake sediments preserve single-celled algae (specifically, diatoms), allowing scientists to look back in time. As the diatoms die, they fall to the bottom of the lake where they build up over hundreds or thousands of years, creating a record of past ecosystems. By studying the layers of mud, scientists can look back in time and reconstruct the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the lake. This information can give us valuable information about past environments and climate. For example, reconstructing lake level can reveal patterns of drought including intensity and frequency over thousands of years. The question then becomes, what caused those droughts and how did humans adapt to those periods with lowered precipitation.
Contact Information
Email: Denise.Weide@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-6352
Location: Harlan Hall 119A

Gregor Hamilton
Adjunct Professor, Biology
Gregor Hamilton
Adjunct Professor, Biology
Natural Sciences
Contact Information
Email: Gregor.Hamilton@wnmu.edu
Location: Remote

Russell Kleinman
Adjunct Faculty
Russell Kleinman
Adjunct Faculty
Natural Sciences
- Stanford University BA with honors, BS with distinction, Phi Beta Kappa 1977
- Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Doctor of Medicine 1981
- Plant Taxonomy
Courses Currently Taught
- Plant Taxonomy
- Plant Taxonomy Lab
30 year resident of Silver City, retired from career in General Surgery in 2008.
Contact Information
Email: sparks@zianet.com
Location: N/A

Marc Levesque
Adjunct Faculty
Marc Levesque
Adjunct Faculty
Natural Sciences
Contact Information
Email: levesquem@wnmu.edu
Location: Harlan Hall

Sarah Dominguez
Administrative Associate
Sarah Dominguez
Administrative Associate
Natural Sciences
Contact Information
Email: Sarah.Dominguez@wnmu.edu
(575) 538-6227
Location: Harlan Hall 102

Rhonda Reeves
Administrative Manager for Center for a Sustainable Future and Outdoor Programs
Rhonda Reeves
Administrative Manager for Center for a Sustainable Future and Outdoor Programs
Natural Sciences
Contact Information
Email: rhonda.reeves@wnmu.edu
(575) 574-5130
Location: 501-599 E 18th Street